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Communications Workers of America 

Local 9415 

Election of Local Officers 

December 29th, 2023 

The following candidates ran unopposed and therefore are duly elected, according to the CWA Local  9415 Bylaws, Article XI, Section 4F. 


Candidate's Name

President and Convention Delegate

Decovan "Coby" Rhem 

1st Executive Vice President and Convention  Delegate

Du'Shun James

2nd Executive Vice President and Convention  Delegate

Chad Hefner

Secretary-Treasurer and Convention Delegate

Jason Montgomery

AT&T Contractual Vice President

Leonard Muhammed

AT&T Alternate Contractual Vice President

Rachelle Perata

CSI Contractual Vice President


CSI Alternate Contractual Vice President


The undersigned served on the election committee  

Joan Kaufman 

Malek Armstrong 

Jorge Vega 

This is the Election Committee's final certification of results.  
